Books to the Ceiling: The Author Blog of Teresa Trent

25 Ways to Create Classic Characters Free on Kindle Today

25charactersHere’s a great book just released by my friend Diane Krause from The Writing Range. IT IS FREE ON KINDLE TODAY so pick it up! Here is a description of the book:

Who are some of your favorite fictional characters? Which characters stand out in your memory long after you’ve read the book, seen the movie, or the TV series has ended?

Many elements of fiction writing are essential to creating a good story, but it’s the characters who truly make a story come alive.

Plenty of books have been published on the mechanical or technical aspects of creating fictional characters, so this book is not about the science of creating characters. Instead, 25 Ways to Create Classic Characters Readers Will Love is designed to inspire.

In this book, you’ll find 25 ideas for creating believable characters that are as unique and complex as the cast of characters in real life. In addition to the 25 helpful tips, you’ll find the author’s list of favorite fictional characters, and an extensive character interview section to help you get intimately acquainted with your characters.

Use 25 Ways to Create Classic Characters Readers Will Love to give you a jump start on creating the characters that will fuel your stories and win the hearts of your readers.

Get this ebook free today!–25 Ways to Create Classic Characters Readers Will Love

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