Oh Holy Fright: A Holiday Excerpt For You

I have always wanted to write a Christmas book for my characters.  Betsy, Leo, Judd, and Maggie have been with us at Thanksgiving, Halloween, the Fourth of July and even on Valentine’s Day, but never a full-length novel at Christmas. I wanted to showcase the joys as well as frustrations of the holiday season. No family is ever like some of the ones you see on the Hallmark Channel!

I am going to be posting some excerpts from Oh Holy Fright, starting out with the opening scene. If you’ve ever been in a church choir, then you know how important solos can become. Let’s listen in as Aunt Maggie finds out her solo has been given to another soprano.

“What would possess Joe Nelson to give the Christmas solo to a woman who sings like a washing machine full of rocks?” Aunt Maggie’s voice echoed in the community center gym, the location hosting many of the neighborhood churches for the Christmas Eve service. Her attitude was in direct contrast to Rudolph’s blinking nose on her fire engine red Christmas sweatshirt.

“Ooh. You better watch out,” Danny whispered in my ear. “When Mama says words like that, it’s best to look busy.” I had just picked up Danny from the Christmas party for people with disabilities held at his adult care center. Today he seemed especially happy for some reason. And from the way he kept giggling, I could tell Danny had a secret he was bursting to tell me.

“Joe!” Aunt Maggie called out.

The choir director, who was busily engaged in a conversation with Enid Sanford—solo-stealer and owner of the voice that sounded like a washing machine full of rocks—didn’t respond.

“Joe!” she bellowed.

When he failed to respond a second time, she stomped back, turned him around by the shoulders, and plopped her slender black music folder into his hands.

“Take it. I can’t sing in a choir where my voice isn’t heard.”

I had to admit, Maggie was one of the better singers in the holiday choir. Some of the other vocalists possessed lesser talent. One time when I was watching Joe’s friend Howard Gunther at the soundboard, I noticed he was turning down certain microphones. It was wonderful these people volunteered, but some of the singers could be described as cats screeching in the night. Enid Sanford was one of those people; when she hit the high C, it could make the hair on the back of your neck stand up.

Leaving an astonished Joe, Maggie returned to us. “Well, that’s it. You’re hearing it right here and now. I am quitting the Pecan Bayou Singers. They can jingle their bells with somebody else.”

Have you ever wondered if certain microphones were being turned lower or even off to shield the audience from rocks in a washing machine? I have!

Oh Holy Fright is available on Amazon.


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