Books to the Ceiling: The Author Blog of Teresa Trent

NaNoWriMo Day Nine

So here I am at Day Nine of National Novel Writing Month.  I’ve been reading many of the experienced Nano writer’s blogs talking about how the second week is rough for many writers to keep going.  Characters and plots are not working right and getting the time to write every day can be difficult.  I ran into that this weekend when I went out of town with my family and found I could really only write about half of what I was doing at home.  Sorry, Grandma, got to write now.

I am writing along though, and my working title for my novel is The “Quiet Please” Murder.  It is now officially my second novel in the Pecan Bayou Series.  My “Blueberry” book will have to bump to number three.  The good part of that is, once I finish Quiet Please, I’m quite a bit along in the third book.  I had to do this because according to the rules of NaNoWriMo you can’t have written a single word on your novel so I had to start on an entirely new book.

The “Quiet Please” Murder takes place in…what else…a library.  I’m finding there are many novels that take place in this setting,

The "Quiet Please" Murder

probably because so many writers find themselves writing and researching in libraries.  But don’t fear, this is the Pecan Bayou Library which means there will be plenty of colorful characters.    Also, I was asked to bring Betsy’s love interest back in the second book.  I was going to bring a new man in, but “Stormy Weather” will return.

Betsy is asked to speak at an author’s night at the library.  There are six presenters.  One will die.  That’s the synopsis in a nutshell(Official Pecan Bayou Joke).

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